Catholic schools are faith-centered communities that integrate thinking and believing in ways that encourage intellectual growth, nurture faith, and inspiration. They create a supportive and challenging climate which affirms the dignity of all people.
God made each one of us unique with special gifts, talents, and needs. As you begin the process of selecting a Catholic school, you will begin to discover the rich history behind each one. Several were founded based on religious orders from Italy, Poland, and Belgium. We encourage you to take the time to explore the school within your proximity and what it has to offer for your child(ren).
Tuition at Parish schools is set by the Pastor who consults with his school board or finance committee.
Tuition at Central Catholic Schools is set by the Catholic Schools Office.
Tuition at Independent Schools is set by the Head of School and consultations with school board and finance committee.
For tuition details on each school, please visit its websites which can be found at Our Schools
Please refer to Tuition Assistance for more details.
If you are an active registered parishioner, some parish schools offer a parishioner rate for tuition. The decision is made solely by the pastor. Please check with your parish or school for more information.